"On the other hand, it is written, 'You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.'" (Matthew 4:7).
The Lord Jesus had two good reasons for not participating in a worldly spectacle such as jumping from the temple roof. First, such sensationalism is captive to the laws of diminishing returns. To generate and hold people's allegiance to Him merely by stunning signs, Jesus would have needed to produce greater and greater signs. People would never have been satisfied and would always have demanded just one more miracle, one additional showy event. Real faith would not have been certain; they would have been lovers of sensation more than God, which similarly could happen to any of us who don't trust God's already revealed will.
Second, and more important, for Jesus to participate in sensational signs would have demonstrated a profound mistrust in His heavenly Father and a presumptuous, faithless testing of God. But that's what the devil wanted so that Jesus' sin would shatter His claim to divinity and ruin humanity's hope of salvation. Such an action would have questioned the Father's providence and love - and the wisdom of His redemptive plan.
If our sinless Saviour and Lord shunned sensationalism, we as imperfect men and women ought never to live recklessly or carelessly, expecting God to rescue us when we get into earthly trouble or spiritual peril.
Ask Yourself: Perhaps you don't consider yourself a risk-taker. But looking honestly at your own life, do you spit some behaviors that are spiritually risky, actions that presume on the grace of God? In humble repentance today, surrender these things to the Lord. Receive, but don't force, His great mercy.
~John MacArthur~ - "Daily Readings from the Life of Christ"
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