Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Alarm and Inquiry # 2

The Alarm and Inquiry # 2

My reader, are you a mere professor? Are you surrounded by such? God directs you to put the question to your own conscience, and to your fellows, "Who of us can dwell with the consuming fire? Who of us can dwell with everlasting burnings? Ah! What if you should! What if your profession should end in this doom? What if your hope should prove like the spider's web? What if while you cry, "Peace and safety!" - that sudden destruction should come upon you? It may! It is possible. Is it probable? Search and look. Examine your heart. Examine impartially. Examine thoroughly. A mistake here is fearful, it is fatal, it may be irremediable.

Deceitful and deceiving professor - ponder these solemn questions. They are especially addressed to you. Every false covering will soon be stripped off. Your heart and your life will be laid bare - by the holy, sin-hating, sin-punishing God! We must sound the alarm! We would alarm you to prevent your ruin! We would be faithful - that you may be saved. Take heed that you do not eternally perish! Take heed that you do not persevere in hypocrisy - until it is too late. Do not even dream of redemption from the devouring fire, when once in it - or the everlasting burnings being quenched! That is the greatest folly. It is an invention of the father of lies, to deceive your souls, and secure your damnation!

Now, you are under the reign of mercy; now, you are within sight of the Cross; now, while the gospel invites you - confess your folly, deplore your criminality, sue for pardon, seek for sanctifying grace, and escape, escape, escape from the devouring fire! Flee, flee, flee from the everlasting burnings!!! But if you persevere in sin, if you continue to practice hypocrisy, I solemnly warn you, that you shall surely perish! Hell will be opened to meet you at your death, the fierce flames of damnation will curl around you, the doors of the horrid prison of despair will close upon you - and you will be lost, lost, lost forever!

Your destruction will be your own act and deed - the effect of the course you have chosen, of the line of conduct you have pursued. Repent then and turn to God, so your iniquity shall not be your ruin. For, if you do not repent - it surely will. It deserves hell. It demands punishment. It appeals to the justice of God, and its appeal will be regarded. A just God must punish the impenitent sinner. Hear then, the warning voice! Flee from the wrath to come. Hasten and escape from the consuming fire - from the everlasting burnings! Flee, flee, for refuge, and lay hole of the hope set before you in the gospel. Life and death are set before you, therefore choose life that you may live - live and be happy forever!

Now hear the words of God, O man,
"Sinners among you all who can
With everlasting burnings dwell?
The wicked shall be cast to hell!"

Hell is that woeful, dreadful place,
Where Jesus never shows His face;
Where sinners with devils must remain,
In hopeless horrors, endless pain!

God's wrath, without His mercy's there,
Wrath with mercy, who can bear?
How hot the fire, how huge the load,
Your sufferings show, O Son of God.

O man, let goodness make you melt.
Consider what the Lord has felt;
Repent, and to your Saviour turn,
Who died that you may never burn!

But if the Saviour you despise,
And trust in vanity and lies;
Your doom is fixed - that doom is hell,
You must with endless burnings dwell!

Tempests of angry fire will roll,
And beat upon your naked soul!
Then fly, at once, to Jesus fly,
And on His perfect work rely.

His arms are open to receive,
All who in His dear name believe;
He loves to pardon, waits to bless
With all the riches of His grace!

~James Smith~

(The End)

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Eight Myths About Hell

Eight Myths About Hell 

The reality of hell and eternal punishment is not a popular topic, even among Christians. Part of the problem is that the nature of hell has been horribly distorted in our culture and portrayed as an experience that is far from what we read in the New Testament. When I'm asked why I believe in hell, my response is three-fold.

First, I have such unshakable and robust confidence in the inerrant truth of every word in the Bible that the matter is already settled before I even read the text. I believe, as the Apostle Paul said in 2 Timothy 3:16, that "all Scripture (even texts such as Revelation 14:9-11) is breathed out by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness."

Second, by God's grace I have come to understand, at least to some degree, the immeasurable magnitude and majesty of God's holiness and beauty and authority and the honor that is due to Him from all of His creatures, including you and me!

Third, again by God's grace I have come to understand the immeasurable horror and ugliness and self-centeredness of humanity's sin and depravity and wickedness.

So I can honestly say that to the degree that you and I struggle with the concept of hell and eternal punishment, is the degree to which we don't understand God's holiness and honor, on the one hand, or the horror and depravity of mankind's sin, on the other. In other words, if hell strikes you as unreasonable or unfair or disproportionate, it can only be due to the fact that either you don't believe the Bible is inspired and true, or you don't believe that God is infinitely holy and just, or you don't believe that mankind is morally depraved and has committed cosmic treason and is thus deserving of eternal condemnation.

As noted, contributing to the problem of hell are the numerous myths or false beliefs that surround it. Here are eight of them:

Myth # 1. There is widespread belief among non-Christians that hell is a place where they will be united with their unbelieving friends and drink beer all the time in an endless party. The fact is that hell is a place of utter isolation, loneliness, and deprivation.

Myth # 2. Another false belief is that hell is the place where satan and his demons exercise their authority to rule and reign. The fact is that hell is the place where satan and his demons suffer eternal punishment. satan and his demons are inhabitants in hell, not its warden or guards. See Matthew 25:41 for one clear statement to that effect.

Myth # 3. Directly related to the previous myth, there is the notion among many that in hell satan and his demons torment human beings who also are there. No. There is not one text in the Bible that suggests satan and his demons afflict or torment human beings. They themselves, instead, are the object of God's punishment. There have been numerous books written by people who claim to have visited hell in which they describe a scene where demons are tormenting humans who have been consigned there. This should be the first indication to all careful, Bible-believing readers that such an experience is fabricated.

Myth # 4. Yet another misconception is that there are people in hell crying out for mercy who want to reconcile with God. Nothing in Scripture indicates this is so. Instead, those in hell are eternally defiant of God and hate Him all the more with each passing moment.

Myth # 5. One of the more blasphemous notions about hell is that there are people in hell who don't deserve to be there. Nothing could be further from the truth. God's justice is impeccable and He never consigns anyone to punishment in hell who does not fully deserve to suffer there.

Myth # 6. A related myth is the notion that there are people in hell who wanted to go to heaven while they were still alive, but God wouldn't let them. That is utterly false! Jesus Himself made this clear when He said, "I am the bread of life; whoever comes to Me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in Me shall never thirst...whoever comes to Me I will never cast out...For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in Him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day" (John 6:35, 37, 40).

Myth # 7. A seventh myth is that there are people in hell who will eventually be released and granted entrance into Heaven. As much as we might wish this were true, it isn't! The Bible does not teach the doctrine of universalism, that is, the idea that everyone will eventually be saved and given eternal life in the new Heaven and new earth.

Myth # 8. Finally, there is the myth that in hell people will be rid of God and have no experience of Him. That is not true. It is true they will have no experience of God's loving and gracious presence, but they will most assuredly experience His presence in justice and wrath. In fact, we read in Revelation 14:10 that they will be tormented "in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb," that is, in the presence of Jesus Christ.

I'll conclude with two brief observations:

First, I can't read biblical portrayals of hell and eternal punishment or think about it without feeling a deep and unrelenting agony in my heart. We should never talk about hell without weeping, for it is real and people are going there. This is not a subject for joking or lighthearted banter. It is an issue that should provoke within us both anguish and an urgent commitment to share the gospel with those who remain in unbelief.

My second reaction is one of unfathomable gratitude. When I read about hell in a passage like Revelation 14:9-11 I'm reading about what I deserve. God would have been perfectly just and righteous had He chosen to consign me to eternal torment. But in mercy He has drawn me to faith in His Son. In mercy He has poured out His wrath on Jesus in my place, a wrath and judgment that Jesus lovingly and willingly embraced and endured. Every single one of us deserves damnation. God owes us nothing but justice. The fact that He has given us mercy instead, and forgiveness instead of condemnation, ought to awaken in us the most heartfelt and passionate gratitude and praise!

~Same Storms~

(The End)

The Alarm and Inquiry! # 1

The Alarm and Inquiry # 1

"The sinners of Zion are terrified! Trembling grips the godless! Who of us can dwell with the consuming fire? Who of us can dwell with everlasting burnings?" (Isaiah 33:14).

These "sinners in Zion" represent the Church of God. The inhabitants of Zion were professors of religion. Likewise, many profess the Christian religion - who are not really Christians. They are strangers to the new birth. They have never passed from death unto life. Their opinions perhaps are changed - but their hearts remain just as they were. Their lives may be moral - but their hearts are not spiritual. They are enemies to God - though they profess to be His friends. They are rebels against the government of Jesus - while they profess to be His loyal subjects.

They are sinners in the most solemn place - and under peculiarly aggravating circumstances! Surrounded with gospel light - they go on in darkness. Commending the Saviour with their lips - they withhold from Him the heart. By professing Christ - they cry, "Hosanna to the Son of David!" But by living in sin - they cry, "Crucify Him, crucify Him!" They are not struggling with sin - but sternly attached to sin! It is not weakness which is the cause of their conduct - but wickedness. They are hypocrites - that is, they wear a mask. They pretend to be what they well know they are not. With their mouths they show much love to Christ - but their hearts go after their lusts!

Reader, it is a dreadful thing to be a hypocrite; to be found among the Lord's people, while not really of them; to profess Christ, and not to possess Christ!

You may deceive men - but you cannot deceive God. A mere profession may do when in health and strength - but it will not do for sickness and death. You may be bold and fearless now - but when God shall unmask you, and expose the nakedness of your soul - then you will be afraid, fearfulness and trembling will seize upon you suddenly. If you are indulging in any known sin, under a profession of religion - you are a "sinner in Zion" - and your state is most dangerous!

The time is coming, when the "sinners in Zion" shall be afraid. God has threatened them. He has threatened them with His sorest judgments. He is true and faithful to His Word. His nature is unchangeable. You may change - but He cannot. His wrath is eternal - for it is His just displeasure against sin, it is His righteous opposition to the sinner. He hates all sin. But He especially hates deception. Hypocrisy is Odious in His sight. He has pronounced the most dreadful woes against all such. They will not find any mercy at His hands - if they persevere in their hypocrisy.

They are generally afraid of trials - but how will they meet death? And if they are afraid of death, how will they stand in the judgment? How will they be able to lift up their faces before Him, whose eyes are as a flame of fire, who has been witness to all their hypocrisy, and who hates all the workers of iniquity!

Hypocrites are generally bold, conceited, confident, and daring - while things go smooth with them; but fearfulness will surprise them - when death seizes upon them, or God calls them to appear before Him in judgment. The Lord Jesus is coming. He is coming in power and great glory. He is coming to judge the world in righteousness. He is coming to render to every man according to his works. In the prospect of that day he proposes the most solemn QUESTIONS:

"Who of us can dwell with the consuming fire?" The element of fire is opposed to our nature It inflicts the most dreadful pains. It is used by the Lord to represent the punishment that is to be inflicted upon all ungodly people. It is not merely fire - but consuming fire. Fire in its strength. Fire raging as it does when well fed with fuel! O how dreadful to be tormented in that flame! To be surrounded by that fierce, scorching, destructive element! Sinner! think of devouring fire, a lake of devouring fire - it is the due desert of your sins! 

"Who of us can dwell with everlasting burnings?" Then, there are everlasting burnings! There is a fire that never shall be quenched! There are torments that shall never, never, never end! Yes, while God lives to punish, while the cause of punishment remains - the sinner must be punished! The torments of hell will not purify. The lost are never sanctified by their sufferings in hell. They will sin yet more and more - and justice requires that punishment should continue to be inflicted.

Impenitent sinners are to dwell with everlasting burnings. Hell is to be their unchangeable residence, their eternal portion. O what a dwelling! What a doom! What a destiny! And yet it is just - strictly just!

Let us them press home the question upon our consciences: "Who can dwell with everlasting burnings?" Can a question be more solemn? Is it not necessary? Ought it not to alarm us? Can we be justified in postponing the consideration of it, even for one hour? For one moment?

~James Smith~

(continued with # 2)

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Hidden Sin # 2 (and others)

Hidden Sin # 2 (and others)

The subtlety of satan is great. He is said to deceive the whole world (Rev. 12:9). Suppose he should have deceived you! If you are acting under his influence - you have deceived yourself! Your sin may be hidden from men, it may be hidden from yourself - but it is not hidden from God! His eyes are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. He searches the heart and tries the thoughts! He knows exactly what is your state - and it would be well for you to know it; for if it is bad - it may now be changed; or if it is good - you may rejoice and blessed God for it.

The revealing day is coming; then if wrong, God will set our iniquities before His face, and our secret sins in the light of His countenance. He will expose every secret sinner. He will show to the whole world what you have been doing in the dark! Hear His own word, "For God will bring every act to judgment, including every hidden thing, whether good or evil!" ( 12:14). The sins that are hidden now - will be hidden no longer! But then shall be brought to pass the fearful prediction written, "The sinners in Zion (God's professing people) shake with fear! Terror seizes the godless! Who of us can dwell with the consuming fire? Who of us can dwell with everlasting burning?" (Isaiah 33:14).

Fear now may drive us to the Saviour - but there will then be no Saviour to flee to! The Judge on the throne will act justly and impartially, and will render to every man according to his deeds. Many will be condemned - who expected to be acquitted! many will be driven to hell - who were sure of being invited to Heaven! Every false covering will then be stripped off, every deceitful heart will be laid bare - and no longer will anyone say, "My way is hidden from the Lord!"

But there is another and better sense in which our sins may be hidden, and that is, by obtaining the pardon of them. If we detect our sins, if we confess them before God, if we plead the blood and obedience of Jesus for their pardon - God will blot them out! He will cover them, so as to cancel them forever. Then we shall know what the Psalmist meant when he exclaimed, "Oh, the blessedness of the man whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Oh, the blessedness of the man whose sin the Lord does not count against him and in whose spirit is no deceit!" (Psalm 32:1, 2).

When God forgives the penitent sinner, who stands before the throne of His grace, pleading the merits of His Son - He casts all his sins behind his back - or he throws them into the depths of the sea! They are thus covered, hidden, and concealed forever!

Let us, therefore, conceal our sins no longer; let us confess them before God, and obtain the pardon of them. Let us never profess before our fellow men - what we do not really possess. Let us make our lives - the index of our hearts!

~James Smith~

(The End)

A Showy and Expensive Style of Living

"Tell those who are rich in this world not to be proud and not to trust in their money, which will soon be gone. Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and should give generously to those in need, always being ready to share with others whatever God has given them" (1 Timothy 6:17-19).

It is the incumbent duty of rich Christians, to consecrate a large portion of their affluence, to upholding the cause of truth. Let them, in order to abound more and more in such undefiled religion, avoid all unnecessary worldly conformity, and all expensive modes of living.

There is, in the present age, a disposition, even in professing Christian, to a showy and expensive style of living, which cannot be more effectually repressed, than by the plain and simple habits of those who are known to have an easy access to all the elegancies and splendors of life.

Rich Christians ought to be far more anxious to give - then to hoard their fortunes. When we enter their mansions and see magnificence in every room, luxury on every  table; when we see their extravagant dress and decor, we cannot help saying, "How much ought a disciple of Jesus, who lives in this manner, to give away to the cause of Christ, before he is justified in such an expenditure!"

Vices to which rich Christians are more exposed, and against which they should vigilantly guard, are pride, haughtiness, love of money, idleness, self-indulgence, luxury, extravagance, and worldly conformity.

The virtues to which they are called are gratitude to God; humility and meekness to men; frugality and temperance towards themselves; liberality, together
 with tender sympathy to their poorer brethren; and a generous regard to the support of the cause of pure religion and general benevolence.

~John Angell James~

God's Personal Message to America # 3

God's Personal Message to America # 3

3. Sin is Ungrateful Actions. The final meaning of "sin" is "an outright transgression, rebellion." Daniel (9:11) "Yea, all Israel have transgressed thy law, even by departing, that they might not obey thy voice; therefore the curse is poured upon us...because we have sinned against Him." (1 John 3:4) "Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law; for sin is the transgression of the law."

IV. The Reproach of a Nation  " a reproach..."

The first mention of the word "reproach" in our English Bible can be found in Genesis 30:23: "And she conceived, and bare a son; and said, God hath taken away my reproach." Eve had borne a son whom she expected to be the promised Messiah. Her "reproach" was the curse that God placed on her because of Adam's sin. Sin brings a reproach, whether it is in the life of the individual or in the timeline of a nation. Again we examine the different meanings of our text.

1. Disgraced. One definition of reproach is "to be brought low, to go from the heights to the depths." In Nehemiah 1:3, Nehemiah reported, "The remnant that are left of the captivity there in the province are in great affliction and reproach: the wall of Jerusalem also is broken down and the gates thereof are burned with fire." Israel's sin had caused them to go into captivity and now their capital city stood in ruins. The remnant was brought low by their sin. We too, have been brought from the heights to the depths by the sins of our people. God is bound to judge sin. He will not turn a blind eye to America's folly. As He judged Israel and the heathen nations, He will also judge us.

2. Dishonored. Another definition of "reproach" is "to be ridiculed, to rail on, to revile." In 1 Samuel 17:26 young David said, "...What shall be done to the man that killeth this Philistine, and taketh away the reproach from Israel? for who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?" Israel was powerless in the face of Goliath and the Philistines. Certainly they were ridiculed and reviled by their inability. Goliath mocked the army of Israel and the whole nation. America knows something about such disgrace. We are the richest and most developed nation in the world, but we are reviled by much of the world. The Muslim nations and Communist China have little respect for our system of government or our culture. We were reviled and ridiculed by the former Soviet Union until God brought them low. Don't think that the same thing cannot happen to us.

3. Defeated. The final definition of "reproach" means "to pluck or strip away all that is good." Our culture is in the process of doing just that. Our defeat has not come at the hands of a foreign invader. It has come at our own hands. The "silent majority" that Richard Nixon spoke of years ago has been splintered into competing special interests. Politicians pit one group against another to keep us divided. Ai was a little speck on the map of the Israelite army. After the great victory at Jerhrico, Ai would be a simple campaign, a "mopping up" exercise. But the sin of one man brought defeat. I believe that the sin that is defeating America is found in the church rather than the culture. Yes, our culture is rotten; our society is eaten up with evil. But the Christian Achans are hoarding up the world's gold and garments and allowing the gospel witness to fall silent.

Conclusion: America has been great because of God. If we fall, it will be because of our failure to honor God as our Sovereign Authority and Lord. Must we watch our beloved land become mired in the slough of compromise and fearfulness? It is the Christian that must stand up for what is right! We must not fear the wrath of man or the condemnation of sinners. They hated Jesus, so if we are the light which exposes their evil, they will hate us as well. What would God's personal message to America be if He spoke to us audibly in this day? I believe He would say, Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. Let us pray for our land and resolve to do our best to make America great again. If we achieve anything, it is God which must accomplish it!

~Robert L. Cobb~

(The End)

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Hidden Sin

Hidden Sin

"The Lord does not see it!" (Ezekiel 9:9)

"My way is hidden from the Lord!" (Isaiah 40:27).

"The guilt of Ephraim is stored up, his sins are kept on record!" (Hosea 13:12).

The only thing some fear is exposure. They would not be exhibited in their true colors before their fellow-men - for all the world! They wish to live and act in the dark. They do not fear the eye of God - but they dread the eye of man! In public they are one thing - and in private just the opposite! No one really knows them.

There is a vast amount of hypocrisy in the world. Multitudes wear a mask. They are not at all - what they seem to be. This is sad. The consequences will be fearful by and bye.

Open sinners offend God and men - secret sinners offend God only! But God is the principal party. Better offend the world world - than offend God. But who are these secret sinners?

There is the sly drunkard. The man who only gets intoxicated at home, or who manages to drink much, and yet never reel in the street. He robs his family. He introduces disease into his body. He squanders his property. He becomes selfish. He neglects his duties; moral, entirely; domestic, in part. Few, if any suspect him, until at length His bloated countenance begins to tell tales. "My way is hidden from the Lord!"

There is the crafty deceiver. He practises deception upon the ignorant and unwary. He talks like an honest man - but he acts like a rogue. Believe his plausible pretensions - and he will be sure to pick your pocket. His words are smooth; his tongue is oily; his professions are fair; his offers appear to be generous - but his aim is to make you his dupe! Few detect him - until they are caught in his net! "My way is hidden from the Lord!"

There are  the self-righteous. They appear very devout. They perform many duties. Their views of truth are, perhaps, tolerably sound. Their external deportment is correct. They are sure they are safe for heaven; they wish everyone to think that they are right. They talk of Christ - but they do not rest alone on His finished work. They speak of the Holy Spirit - but they have never felt His regenerating and renewing operations. They boast of free grace - but in heart they think much more of their own performances. They imagine God must love them - because they love themselves! They conclude they must be saved - because if they have not made God their debtor - they have done much that on account, of which He cannot reject them.

Self-love is the root of their profession. Self-esteem is the ground of their confidence. They work for life, not from life. They are under the legal covenant, not the evangelical. They have never been stripped before God's throne. The law has never come home, in its convincing and condemning power, to their consciences. They have never had their mouths stopped, or been brought in guilty before God. Therefore they prefer their own sandy foundation - to the Rock of Ages! And they stumble at the stumbling stone, even Christ, who is the wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption of His people. "My way is hidden from the Lord!"

There are the self-deceivers. These imagine that they are rich and increased with goods, and have need of nothing. They have elected themselves to everlasting life - and conclude, without any just grounds, that God has done so too. Because they have never thoroughly examined their hearts in the light of God's Law, or carefully compared what they call their experience, with the Biblical evidences of a new birth - they conclude that they are Christians - though they are still in their natural sinful condition.

They take home all the promises - and put from them all the threatenings. They make use of evidences for others - but see not the need of doing so for themselves. They take it for granted that they are right - but in laboring under a most fearful deception. They are in a state which Solomon refers to when he said, "There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness!" (Prov. 30:12). "These are those who make themselves rich - yet have nothing!" (Prov. 13:7). The blood of Christ is not at the root of their profession; the life of God is not in their souls; the power of the Holy Spirit has never  been experienced in their hearts; they deceive themselves - and they deceive others. "My way is hidden from the Lord!"

Reader, are you either of these characters? Are you sure that you are not? Search and look. Self-examination never injures a real Christian!

The power of SIN is great. And one of the most fearful things in sin is its power of self-concealment. It hides its own deformity from many - who are actually under its influence.

~James Smith~

(continued with # 2)

God's Personal Message to America # 2

God's Personal Message to America # 2

2. The Exalted Nation is Safe. Another sub-meaning of the word "exalt" is "to raise high as an inaccessible fortress, out of the reach of danger." Psalm 32:7 "Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble, thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance. Psalm 119:114 "Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in thy word." Many nations have been destroyed by their enemies or by God Himself through natural disasters. Plagues, pestilence, war, and unbelief have destroyed many countries. But America celebrates her 225th birthday this July 4th. What a testament to God's protection and preservation!

3. The Exalted Nation is Strong. Another shade of meaning of the word "exalt" is "to triumph over enemies." A mere glance at the history of America will reveal the hand of God's protection watching over us in war and in peace. Think of the odds of the colonies defeating the most powerful nation in the 18th century world, the British Empire. Yet, it happened. We take for granted our victory in the Revolutionary War. We assume that our power then resembled our power today. Not true! It was a miracle from God that America gained her freedom from England. Why did the Civil War not tear this nation apart? Could it have been the protection of God? In World War II, America took on much of the world essentially single handedly and assured freedom throughout the globe. There was a time when our citizens proudly said, "America has never lost a war!" We must give God the glory for past victories for He has protected us. Psalm 144:1 "Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight:

III. The Revolt of a Nation  "...but sin..."

We now come to the depressing aspects of God's promise to "any nation." As surely as righteousness exalts a nation, sin destroys it. God says so in the very same verse! Today, many people want a "buffet-style" religion. They want a God who is mericiful, loving and kind. The God of Christianity fulfills that desire. But the God of mercy and love is also the God of judgment and damnation. People turn away from such a God. But here is the problem. This verse is a couplet, having two parts. The parts are opposite and contrasting. But one cannot be accepted without the other. They stand together as a testimony of God's unapproachable holiness. The truth is that God WILL judge sin! He will not wink at it, forget it, or misplace His records. To understand this truth, let us examine the meaning of the word "sin."

1. Sin is an Undisciplined Aim. To sin is "to miss the mark, as an archer misses his target." Psalm 2:1 "Help, Lord, for the godly man ceaseth, for the faithful fail from among the children of men." Mankind is bound to fail, seeing we are only flesh. But our sinful nature is not an excuse. Missing God's mark is the result of an undisciplined aim, a careless shot at God's perfection. America does not demand greatness of itself anymore. We do not honor what is good and right. Contrariwise, we honor and reward the evil and the froward. Look at our culture. The "bad guy" is now the norm; the "good guy" is the potential hypocrite who bears watching. A fitting illustration can be found in the sporting world. Former Atlanta Braves pitcher John Rocker made international headlines when he spoke out against homosexuals and other perverted lifestyles in a magazine. He was assailed as intolerant and a bigot. His teammate, Chipper Jones, was engaged to be married, but impregnated a Hooter's waitress and reportedly tried to talk her into an abortion. She refused, had the baby, and Jones' fiance called off the marriage. Yet Chipper Jones was sought out by the media to comment on Rocker's verbal transgressions. The "bad guy" has been turned into the "good guy". Such is society's undisciplined aim at righteousness.

2. Sin is an Unwise Assurance. Another meaning of "sin" is "to stumble, to err from the path." Again, it seems that we have a built in excuse. Which of us has not stumbled from the path through no fault of our own? It is human nature to fail, to stumble. Our stumbling and erring from the path comes from a false assurance, a careless attitude. America has taken for granted the blessings of God, assuming that he will continue to bless and protect us in spite of our sin. Psalm 59:12 "For the sin of their mouth and the words of their lips let them even be taken in their pride."

~Robert L. Cobb~

(continued with # 3)

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Judge!

The Judge! 

"God is the Judge!" (Psalm 75:7).

There is one supreme judge of what is right and wrong - and that judge is Jesus. He is qualified to judge, and He is appointed to sit in judgment on the actions of men, and to reward every one according to his works.

But it is not to God's final judgment we are about to refer - but to the present. Many professors talk, or seem to feel, as if great mistakes were made, and therefore they justify themselves in complaining. But Jesus is Judge of what is right, and what is best.

His wisdom is infinite; His knowledge comprehends the past, the present, and the future; His power is omnipotent; His mercy is from everlasting to everlasting, and is over all His works; His love to His people surpasses knowledge.

This being the case, there can be no question that Jesus is the best Judge of what is right, and of what should be.

God is the Judge - as to our PERSONS. Some wish they had more strength, some that they had more health, some that they had more beauty, some one thing, some another thing. Some imagine that they are too tall - and some not tall enough. Some are crooked, or otherwise deformed - and are grieved that they are not straight or well formed.

But God is the Judge, and our formation, size, shape, appearance, etc., are all according to His will; and if according to His will - it must be best. Beware of how you sit in judgment on the wisdom of God, or think yourself capable of improving His plans.

God is the Judge as to who should be born - their size, shape, appearance, and every other particular. Therefore be silent before Him; be satisfied with your lot, and believe that by and bye you will see a reason for what tries or troubles you at present. If you were humble, you would not be much affected by what man may think, or what man may say - but would bow before God, and say, "If I can honor You by being deformed, or destitute of beauty, or weak, or diseased - it is enough. May Your will be done, Your name be hallowed, Your glory be advanced - and I am content; more - I am well-pleased!"

God is the Judge - as to our CIRCUMSTANCES. Whether I am to be rich, or to be poor; whether I am employer, or employed; whether I am healthy, or sick; whether I thrive, or go to wreck - God is the Judge as to which is best. He is Judge as to the nature or number of my mercies, trials, troubles, comforts, crosses, losses, bereavements and varied changes.

I cannot tell what would be best - what would really do me good. I must bow to the wisdom of the All-wise God, accept the appointments of His grace, and be satisfied with the arrangements of Infinite Love.

If there was anything like "chance" in the world - I might complain, or wish for an alteration. But since God exercises His judgment, and has ordained my lot - it is for me to approve of it, and seek grace that I may honor Him in it.

God is the Judge - as to our EVENTS. Many things are sent to try us; and they try our thoughts, our faith, our fortitude, our patience, our humility, and our perseverance. We may rest assured of this  - that God's ends will be accomplished, His purposes will be performed, and the predictions of His Word will be fulfilled.

We may therefore, very safely leave all results to God. We should walk, taking no thought for the morrow. We should trust God's promises, walk by God's precepts, observe God's providences. And then we may say, "I have nothing to do with the future, for God is the Judge! It is not a change of circumstances - so much as a change of heart that you need. God has made no mistakes!  It is His doing, and "shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?"

God does according to His will in heaven - and there is no complaint or repining there. And He does according to His will on earth - and there should be no dissatisfaction with God's allotments.

We have too high an opinion of ourselves, and of our own judgments; and while this is the case, we shall attempt to invade the rights of the Most High God, or to dictate to the Supreme Ruler! 

But who are you that replies against God? Shall the thing formed say unto Him that formed it, "Why have you made me thus?"

God is the Judge! Therefore be silent all the earth, before the Lord!

~James Smith~

(The End)

God's Personal Message to America # 1

God's Personal Message to America # 1

"Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people" (Proverbs 14:34).

Introduction: Most of us place a high value on "personal" messages. Form letters and mass mailings are the norm in our day, so it is very refreshing to receive a "personal" note from a person or organization. Some have made a concerted effort to make their mailings seem to be "one-of-a-kind." Today it is difficult to tell what is personal correspondence and what is "mass mailing." Sometimes it may seem the same with Scripture. While many preachers apply passages written for Israel to America, our text IS to America! In fact, it is a blanket statement to any nation! What would God say to America, if He spoke audibly to us? I believe He would remind us of this verse. Righteousness exalteth a nation but sin is a reproach to any people." These truths still hold true for any nation today. History is littered with the echoes of failed nations. Nineveh, the Egyptian Dynasty, Greece, the Roman Empire... Today, the United States is a proof text for this verse! Let us see how this is so as we divide the thoughts into four sections.

I. The Righteousness of a Nation

The first word of our verse is "righteousness." It is a word seldom uttered outside of conservative churches today. You don't hear our politicians speak about righteousness. You don't hear the news media say anything about it. There are at least three implications of the word, righteousness.

1. It implies Sovereignty. If there is such a thing as righteousness, then Someone sovereign must determine what it is. Humankind has a varied idea of righteousness. We could never in a million years agree on what is righteous and  what is unrighteous. God, however, is an authority on righteousness. Psalm 71:19 "Thy righteousness also, O God, is very high, who hast done great things: O God, who is like unto thee!" Psalm 98:2 "The Lord hath made known His salvation: His righteousness hath He openly shewed in the sight of the heathen."

2. It implies a Standard. Society today does not want a standard; they will not even acknowledge that one exists. This is the main reason that the Word of God has been attacked and ridiculed by unbelievers. Psalm 119:40: "Behold I have longed after they precepts: quicken me in thy righteousness." Psalm 119:142 "Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and thy law is the truth." At the funding of our nation, the Bible was held in high esteem. There are both direct and indirect quotations in the correspondence of the founding fathers.

3. It implies a Straightness. It is one thing to admit that there is a standard, it is quite another to make that standard your own. The word in our text intimates a personal righteousness, a personal morality. The Judeo-Christian ethic has guiding our nation from its founding up until the generation in which we live. Our forefathers chose the righteousness of the Bible as it's guiding light. Notice the words of God to Israel after the Exodus:

Deut. 4:5-9 5. Behold, I have taught you statutes and judgments, even as the Lord my God commanded me, that ye should do so in the land whither ye go to possess it. 6. Keep therefore and do them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.  7. For what nation is there so great, who hath God so nigh unto them, as the Lord our God is in all things that we call Him for? 8. And what nation is there so great, that hath statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law, which I set before you this day? 9. Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life: but teach them thy sons, and thy sons' sons;

II. The Reward of a Nation ("exalteth a nation")

Who can doubt that America has been exalted among the nations? Some Americans, like Nebuchadnezzar in the book of Daniel, take the credit for such exaltation. The mentality is that we somehow deserve the greatness and power of our past. That is a sad mistake to make. America has been exalted because of its' citizens goodness and personal holiness! America has been exalted because of the churches that have carried out the great commission both at home and abroad! It is because of past obedience and humility that we now enjoy a preeminent place on the world scene. Let us examine the word "exalteth" a little more closely to determine just what God means in this  most glorious promise: "Righteousness exalteth a nation...!"

1. The Exalted Nation is Set-Apart. One of the meanings of the word "exalt" is "to be lifted up to be made high." The Bible teaches us that God Himself is exalted, the scripture is exalted, and Israel is exalted above the nations. But in this verse we find a promise that the righteous nation also will be lifted up and made high. Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 37:34 "Wait on the Lord, and keep His way; and He shall exalt thee to inherit the land when the wicked are cut off, thou shall see it." Surely there is no nation in the history of the world which has been lifted up and exalted more than America! The United States has dominated history, throughout the 20th century.

~Robert L. Cobb~

(continued with # 2)

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Good Fortune!

The Good Fortune!

"Godliness with contentment is great gain!" (1 Tim. 6:6).

Godliness is conformity to the moral image of God, and the entire consecration of the soul to the Lord's service. The godly are created anew in Christ Jesus; they are united to God through Jesus; and have all the graces or fruits of the Spirit within them. They view things very much as God does; hence they look upon sin - as the greatest of evils; upon the world - as a vast vanity; upon saints - as the excellent of the earth; and upon the Lord Jesus - as altogether lovely!

They hate sin, renounce the world, unite with the saints, and adore the Saviour as their God and Lord.

They approve of God's precepts, and choose the condition which He prescribes. They love God, believe in Jesus, walk in the Spirit, fear sin, loathe self, and walk in the fear of the Lord.

They rely wholly on the perfect work of Christ for acceptance; pant for holiness with ardent longing; and desire always to acquiesce in the sovereign will of God.

True godliness produces and strengthens contentment; and contentment is the calm sunshine of a man's life. We do not mean sitting down in idleness, feeling at home in filth, or indulging in negligence; this would be a disgrace to any creature, especially a professing Christian!

But contentment is connected with honest industry, general cleanliness, and a concern for the honor of God.

True contentment springs from acknowledging and eyeing God's providence, whose tender mercies are over all His works. It is a bowing to His will - as the infinitely wise an invariably good; believing the promises He has given; expecting the provision He has made; and feeling satisfied to share in the common lot with His people.

Contented Christians prize spiritual blessings before temporal, and live sensible of their demerit and desert. They know that everything short of hell is a favor - and that the glories of Heaven will more than make amends for all the toils and privations of this world's wilderness pilgrimage. They do not expect to find rest below, or a paradise in the desert of this world. They are persuaded, "that all things work together for good, to those who love God, and are the called according to His purpose."

Pride is slain, and humility flourishes; for pride is the parent of discontent, ingratitude, peevishness, rebellion against God, and many other evils.

While humility produces contentment, patience, gratitude, submission to the will of God, and many other virtues.

The godly who are contented are rich - for they have a good fortune!

They have inward peace and satisfaction of mind - which are better than gold!

They are filled with gratitude and thankfulness to God - which are better than a large estate!

They have love to God and delight in Him - which are preferable to a splendid mansion!

They have a joyful anticipation of eternal glory, of being acknowledged as the sons of God, and fellow-heirs of Jesus - which is to be esteemed above all the titles and honors of this perishing world!

They contentedly live in the enjoyment of what they now have - realizing that their glorious portion is yet to come! Their aspirations are on the same level as their earthly condition - hence, they are strangers to fretfulness, murmuring, and the constant vexations which most men experience. They prove that, "Better a little with the fear of the Lord - than great wealth with turmoil."

Reader, are you a godly person? Are you acquainted with God - as your God, your Friend, your Father? Are you contented with your place, portion, and prospect in this perishing world? If so, you have a good fortune!

~James Smith~

(The End)

God Leading His People Through the Wilderness

God Leading His People Through the Wilderness

How much we have to be thankful for. How many reasons we have to praise God. No wonder that the Lord's people of old, so frequently commemorated the Lord's mercy; for everything short of hell - is mercy! Everything He did for them, or conferred upon them - is ascribed to His mercy, and to mercy the praise is rendered. "Give thanks to Him who led His people through the wilderness - for His mercy endures forever!" (Psalm 136:16).

The Objects of God's Care. "His people." Those whom He has chosen for His own, and eternally set apart for His praise. Those whom He has redeemed from the claims of justice by His blood, and from every daring foe by His power. Those whom He has called out of the world, separated from old associations, and consecrated to His service and praise. Those with whom He has entered into covenant, saying, "I will be your God - and you shall be My people!" They are His own, in the highest, holiest, and most blessed sense.

Their Pilgrimage. They are brought into a wilderness. That is, the world becomes a wilderness to them - in consequence of His precious work within them. They have to pass through the wilderness, where they experience spiritual hunger and thirst, and are often sighing for full and suitable supplies. Now hunger only - but spiritual weariness, for they have little rest or repose. Many foes meet them, oppose them, and come into conflict with them. Dangers in every direction surround them, and many painful privations are felt by them. These and other things discourage them. But it is the way to the promised land!

Egypt has been lest, the wilderness is now being journeyed, and Canaan with all its glory is before us!

The  Manner of God's Guiding. He employed means. He used the cloud, and at length the ark conducted them across the Jordan. So the Lord leads us by His servants, by His providence, and by His Word now. He leads us like a faithful shepherd leads a flock - with care, watchfulness, and wisdom. He leads us like a kind parent leads a little child - with gentle attention, and love. He leads us like a mother eagle, who teaches her young to fly, watches it if there is the least danger, and darts beneath it and carries it on her wings. He leads us like a God alone could, whose patience, love and grace, are as constant as the day! Thus the Lord leads us, never taking His eye off us, or remitting His care at any time for one moment.

The Cause of God's Attentive Leading. "His mercy endures forever!" His mercy fixed upon them - and chose them for His own. His mercy took charge of them - to conduct them to the promised land. His mercy continued with them - through the whole of the long, tedious, and trying journey. His mercy was glorified in them - in its constancy, and power to supply. 

In His mercy He led them - to try them, to prove them, to humble them, to teach them - and to do them the greatest good.

The Lord always makes the world - to be a wilderness to His people. They cannot feel at home in it - nor will it yield them suitable or sufficient supplies. In the wilderness - they learn His ways. They learn to trust Him, to look to Him, and to expect everything from Him. In the wilderness - He becomes everything to them!

In the wilderness - He prepares them for Canaan. He weans them from the world, empties them of self, and shows them the insufficiency of all creatures!

All who follow the Lord as their leader - arrive safe in their Heavenly home. He does not lead them by the shortest way, nor by the easiest way - but He leads them in the right way, which is the best way. Following Him, they escape dangers, find supplies, master difficulties, overcome their foes, and arrive with certainty at their journey's end!

Gratitude should render praise. Indebted to mercy - we should prize mercy; and prizing mercy - we should praise mercy. We should sing of mercy on earth, preparatory to our singing of mercy in Heaven. 

Reader, what is the world to you? Is it a home - or a wilderness? What are you in the world? Are you a resident - or a stranger and a pilgrim? Is God leading you through it - or are you making your home in it?

If God is leading you through the wilderness - then do not be surprised if you meet with changes, trials, difficulties, and troubles; they are wilderness fare.

If you can make your home in the wilderness - then do not be surprised if you are excluded from the Promised Land. For only those whom God leads through the wilderness - ever arrive safely there!

~James Smith~

(The End)

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Christ Precious! # 3

Christ Precious! # 3

His blood and obedience, His word and His grace, his faithfulness and sympathy, are unutterably precious!

Beloved, do you have this faith, which renders Christ so precious? If so, admire the sovereign and distinguishing grace of God, which has conferred so great a blessing upon you - for not all are given saving faith. 

Honor the Holy Spirit, by whose operation this faith was produced in you.

Realize the importance of this faith, which renders Christ so precious.

It is the eye - which sees the beauty of Christ.

It is the foot - which travels to Christ.

It is the hand - which lays hold of Christ.

It is the mouth - which tastes the sweetness of Christ.

It is the inward principle - which clings and cleaves to Christ.

Avoid therefore whatever weakens faith, or interrupts its exercise; and prize whatever strengthens it, and makes it vigorous!

If you do not have this faith, or if you doubt whether you have or not - cry mightily to God, to send the Holy Spirit, as the Spirit of faith to produce, or increase it, in you.

If you do not have high and honorable thoughts of Christ, if you do not prize Him as the chief among ten thousand, and altogether lovely, if you do not depend entirely on His precious blood and finished work, for your salvation - whatever faith you may have - is not that faith which distinguishes God's elect, which is the operation of God, and to which the promise of salvation is made. Look well to it therefore, that you have this faith, that you believe on the Son of God, that you believe that Jesus is the Christ, and trust in Him, and love Him accordingly, for, "Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ, is born of God."

Jesus is precious, says the Word,
What comfort does this truth afford!
And those who in his name believe,
With joy this precious truth receive.

To them He is more precious far,
Than life and all its comforts are;
More precious than their daily food,
More precious than their vital blood.

Not health, nor wealth, nor sounding fame,
Nor earth's deceitful empty name,
With all its pomp, and all its glare,
Can with a precious Christ compare!

He's precious, in His precious blood.
That pardoning and soul-cleansing flood!
He's precious, in His righteousness,
That everlasting heavenly dress!

In every office He sustains,
In every victory He gains,
In every  council of His will,
He's precious to His people still.

As they draw near their journey's end,
How precious is their heavenly friend!
And, when in death the bow their head,
He's precious on a dying bed.

~James Smith~

(The End)

The Zealous Christian # 3

The Zealous Christian # 3

We should be zealous to support it. By our presence, by our prayers, by our influence, and by our property. Silver and gold are given to us as God's stewards, and we are to use them for His glory. He often gives them, and then seems to leave us to ourselves, saying, "I will just see what you will do with them." And what do many do? Look at their opulent homes, at their lavish furniture, at their plush clothes, at their vain amusements, at their expensive foods, at their... But I forbear!

Only just look on the other hand, at what they give to support the ministry, to assist missions, to circulate the Bible, to distribute tracts, to relieve the poor, to supply the needs of the sick, etc. Can we say of such people, as Paul did of others, "None of us lives to himself?" If these are God's stewards - are they faithful? If ministers are their servants for Christ's sake, are they good masters? If the poor believers are their brethren, are they at all like their elder Brother in their conduct toward them? If there is no hope for sinners but through the Gospel, are they very anxious that souls should be saved?

The cause of God requires all our sympathy, influence, and untiring support - but does it have it? Shall it in future have it? We should zealously identify ourselves with it. To be one with Christ, how glorious! To be one with the cause of Christ, is only a little less glorious! The one is the glory of the sun, the other is the glory of the moon.

God has identified His cause with Himself, and He has identified His people with His cause. They are to sustain it, to increase it, to perfect it. But this requires zeal. It will not be done without zeal. It deserves our warmest zeal, our utmost endeavors. Cause of Jesus! may I be identified with You, may I zealously support You, may I be instrumental in increasing You! To this may every believer add, Amen and Amen!

Brethren, let us be zealous - for satan is! He never tires, he never rests. Most zealously does he contrive his plans, lay his snares, and watch his victims! He goes about seeking whom he may devour.

Let us be zealous, for lost sinners are. See the money they spend, the labor they give, the means they employ in the cause of sin and satan! Their conduct ought to put us to shame!

Let us be zealous, for false teachers are. How active, how diligent, how persevering they appear in propagating their error. They employ the tongue, the pen, the press, and the purse - in the most lavish and unsparing manner. Let their conduct be our model, their success our stimulus, and their zeal our reproof.

Let us be zealous! The zealous Christian is sure of God's blessing, the approbation of his own conscience, the opposition of satan, the frown of every lukewarm professor, and the commendation of all godly people.

Let us warm our hearts at the fire of God's love! Let us quicken our motives by a visit to the Cross! Let us sharpen our weapons by communion with the Spirit! Let us seek the grace, the courage, the strength necessary at the mercy seat - and then let us zealously fall to work. Let the work of God be our delight, the welfare of our fellow-men be our aim, and the glory of the Lord be our highest object! Let us live in earnest. Let us live tp purpose. By the shortness of time, by the solemnities of death, by the realities of eternity, by the danger of lost sinners, by the vigilance of satan, by the poor state of the Church, by the character of the present times, by the command of God, by the example of primitive believers, and by the counsel of the Lord Jesus - let us stir up our hearts, and stir up one another to be zealous!

"It is good," said Paul, "to be zealous, provided the purpose is good." (Gal. 4:18).

Brethren, the time is short, and "it is high time to awake out of sleep!" By the spread of Popery, by the activity of infidelity, by the condition of our cities, by the needs of the Church, by the authority of God, by the blood of the Cross, by the promise of the Spirit, by the glories of Heaven, by the terrors of hell, by the condemnation of the lukewarm and slothful - allow me to beseech you, to "Be zealous!"

Be zealous today - tomorrow you may die! Be zealous in time - and in eternity you will rejoice that you have been so!

~James Smith~

(The End)

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Christ Precious! # 2

Christ Precious! # 2

He is the CORNERSTONE. That which unites all believers together as one living temple, and keeps them together to be a habitation of God through the Holy Spirit. The union, the strength, and the beauty of God's church, arises from Christ being the cornerstone. He unites all the parts together, and the whole church to God. He preserves all who believe on Him from apostasy, shame, and danger. "He who believes on Him shall not be confounded." Every believer shall be bold in the judgment, confident in God, and safe - let whatever will come on the earth. Now, as God's foundation of our hope; as God's elect, or chosen one; as the glorious uniting cornerstone of the whole church; and as the Saviour from confusion, shame, and danger - He is precious to every believer.

There are some SEASONS in which Christ is especially precious:

Christ is especially precious when the soul is first converted. When emerges from darkness to light. When it sees Jesus as the only and all-sufficient Saviour. It sees all that flows from Jesus, and deeply feels its obligation to Him. Through Jesus it enjoys justification, eternal life, and a good hope of heaven. O how precious does this render the Saviour!

Christ is especially precious to believers - when the emptiness of the world is discovered. The soul having tried the world, has found it false and fickle, and empty cistern, a dry well, a cloud without water, only vanity and vexation of spirit!

The Christian has experienced that the world's pleasures - end in pain, its honors - end in disgrace, and its wealth - ends in absolute poverty.

Now turning from the world, to Jesus - it finds solid happiness, substantial pleasure, full supplies. It obtains a deep and lasting peace which passes all understanding, unsearchable riches in Christ, and honors which will never pass away.

O how precious is Jesus, when this world appears to be a valley of tears! Almost everything earthly is at times calculated to cause sorrow, fill us with sadness, and draw forth tears.

Losses, crosses, disappointments and bereavements - all conspire to make us sad. Earth is to us a Valley of Achor - the place of trouble and sorrow.

Now turning to Jesus, we find a friend who loves at all times, and a brother born for adversity. He makes up for every loss, He sanctifies every disappointment, and He fills for us every relation.

His presence is like a flowing spring - in a dreary desert, like a cheering fire - on a piercing winter's night, and like a happy home - to the exhausted traveler.

O how precious is Jesus now!!

Christ is especially precious at the throne of grace. What could we do without Jesus there? What could we plead? Realizing this, and perceiving the infinite worth and worthiness of Jesus, and His glorious sacrifice, and believing that He stands between us and His Father's justice, how precious Jesus is! We dare not go to the throne without Him, nor expect the least blessing but through Him, and for His sake; but with Him, and through Him, we may expect the greatest, the richest, the best blessings, which God can bestow!

Christ is especially precious when satan comes to harass us, and reflections on the sins and infirmities of our past lives, are calculated to deject and cast us down.

Christ is especially precious in the hour of death. However much we may need Christ for life - we shall need Him more in death. He is the only antidote of death. He alone can give us victory over it. He alone can make us triumph in it.

How precious have multitudes found Jesus to be in the dying hour! They have been able to defy its power, smile at its pains, and court its final stroke! Through Him they have cried, and cried in tones of triumph, "O death, where is your sting! O grave, where is your victory!" Yes, when earth appears to be receding and eternity drawing very near to us. When every earthly prop gives way. When clear light shows us that our very best works are but splendid sins. O how precious is Jesus then!

~James Smith~

(continued with # 3)