Saturday, March 28, 2020

God's Knowledge of Us # 2

God's Knowledge of Us # 2

"O Lord, You know" my FOES! Lord, let me not dishonor You by fearing man, or trembling before satan, or feeling alarmed at death! Rather give me wisdom and grace, to put on the whole of the armor which You have provided, and manfully resist, oppose, and overcome them!

"O Lord, You know" my DESIRES. And these sometimes, form my only evidence of a work of grace in my heart. You know that I do desire to be holy - though I am not. You know that I desire to worship You in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. You know that I would exalt Jesus, spread His fame, and bring thousands of sinners to His feet. You know that I desire to mortify the flesh, with its affections and lusts; to put on the new man; to walk in holiness; and to be a burning and shining light. You know that I desire to be, to do, and to suffer all Your will without complaining, or even wishing for the least alteration in a single point. But my desires - and my conduct, my inward desires - and my outward behavior, are often sadly at variance, for I find the flesh lusting against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary the one to the other, so that I cannot do the things that I would.

But blessed be God, my desires for practical conformity to His will are natural, habitual, and often powerful; and must, as I believe, spring from the presence, power, and operation of His Holy Spirit.

"O Lord, You know" my DESIRES! Give me grace that I may be enabled to carry out my desires in all the walks of life!

"O Lord, You know" my HOPES. Hopes that refer to time - and hopes that run into eternity. Hopes that respect the body - and hopes that refer to the soul. Hopes for the church - and hopes for the world. Hopes for my family - and hopes for myself.

Especially my hope of eternal life - and of sharing in the glories and triumphs of Jesus when He comes.

The crown of my hope, You know is, the soon coming of my beloved Lord. To see Him come in the clouds, with glory, and all the holy angels with Him. To shine in the glory of the first resurrection, to be invited to sit down at the marriage-supper of the Lamb, and to share in the privileges and immunities of the New Jerusalem.

O that the King of kings would come! O that the Lord would descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and the trumpet call of God! O that the Lord's people could lay aside their prejudices, and as one man embrace the doctrine, and hasten the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

"O Lord, You know" that my hope of acceptance in Your sight, rests on the finished work of Jesus alone, and all my hopes of good in this world, or in that which is to come - are founded on Your most blessed and holy Word.

"O Lord, You know" my SINS and FOLLIES. No one else does. No one el;se ever will. How could I look anyone in the face - if I thought he knew what was passing in my heart, or what is transacted in the chambers of my imagination within! The Lord alone can search the heart. He only knows the worst of us; and He only knows the best; for the best and the worst, are both concealed in the same heart. The eye of God sees every motive, every thought, every lust, every action! His eye is on that mysterious portion of our nature, called the imagination, on which such strange pictures are often painted, in which such fearful scenes are sometimes transacted. What a depth of pollution there is within us! What billows of corruption sometimes roll and sell! What streams of moral filthiness sometimes flow from the heart into the imagination! How difficult sometimes to keep it back. "You know my folly, O God; my guilt is not hidden from You! (Psalm 69:5).

Little does the young Christian think what the pure and holy eye of God sees within him; and what his own eye will one day discover, filling him with alarm - if not with horror, with shame and self-loathing before God. Then he will enter into poor Job's confession, "Behold, I am vile!" and into Isaiah's exclamation, "Woe is me! I am undone!" "What more can I say unto You? For You know Your servant, O Sovereign Lord!" (2 Sam. 7:20).

But blessed be God, the righteousness of Jesus covers all, conceals all; and the grace and Spirit of God will ultimately pruge away the whole foul heap from us!

Now our iniquities are forgiven, and our sins are covered; but then our natures will be perfectly purified, and be white as the falling snow! "Beloved, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when He appears, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is!" (1 John 3:2).

~James Smith~

(continued with # 3)

Saturday, March 21, 2020

God's Knowledge of Us # 1

God's Knowledge of Us # 1

"Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account!" (Hebrews 4:13).

"The Lord searches every heart and understands the intention of every thought!" (1 Chronicles 28:9).

"I am the one who searches out the thoughts and intentions of every person!" (Revelation 2:23).

"O Lord, You know!" (Jeremiah 15:15).

God's perfect knowledge is like the pillar-cloud which led Israel out of Egypt, and through the wilderness: it is dark and a cause of terror to His enemies - but it is light and a source of comfort to His true children.

The thought often cheers us, "My God knows me!" Others may mistake me - He never will. Others may misunderstand me - He never can. He knows me intimately, thoroughly. His eye penetrates the depth of my nature, and looks undere all the mysterious folds of my heart. There is not a thought in my heart, or a word in my tongue - but, "You know me completely, O Lord!" Let me meditate upon this fact, for a short time, in a devotional spirit, for my soul's profit, and the Lord's glory.

"O Lord, You know" my TRIALS. The quarters from which they come, their pressure upon my mind and heart, and the grace I need to bear them patiently, as a Christian ought. O Lord, You know my domestic trials, that they are great; my commercial trials, that they are heavy; my soul trials, which are worst of all. "You have tried me, and known me."

My trials increase with my years, they come from new and unexpected quarters, they often bewilder my mind, and harass my soul - but, "O Lord, You know" them! They do not come unobserved by You. Rather, are they not sent by You, and intended to unsettle my mind from the things of time, and lead me to seek fellowship with the glorious things which are above? May every trial drive me to the feet of Jesus - that I may soothe my troubled spirit with a view of beauty and glory.

"O Lord, You know" my TRIALS! In every trial, Lord, sympathize with me, give me special grace, and help me to endure temptation as a disciple of Jesus should.

"O Lord, You know" my FEARS. They are many, they are painful, they hang on so firmly. Many of them are unfounded, and often cause me much unnecessary pain. I am sometimes afraid of man. Occasionally afraid of God. Often, very often afraid of myself! My heart is so foul, my corruptions are so strong, my lusts are so active, satan is so crafty, my temper is so irritable, and my tongue is so unguarded - that I am afraid that I shall some day fall and dishonor Your holy name!

Then, at times, my mind is so dark, so carnal, so dead to everything that is holy; my heart is so stupid, stubborn, and hard; my affections are so earthly, depraved, and carnal - that I am afraid that my past experience is delusion, my hope unfounded, and my profession a mistake. I am afraid I shall fall short at last - that death will undeceive me, and eternity be spent under the fearful frown of God!

My fears are often so numerous, so powerful, and so natural, that I am as timid as a dove; and sit down and write sad and bitter things against myself.

"O Lord, You know? my FEARS, the cause of them, the nature of them, and the effect of them - and You alone can effectually deliver me from them.

"O Lord, You know" my FOES. They are deceptive, dogged, and determined. They watch me, worry me, and weary me. They lay wait for me. They praise - and try to deceive me. They flatter - and try to puff me up. They threaten - and try to intimidate me. The old roaring lion - seeks to destroy me. The old serpent - endeavors to beguile me with his subtlety.

O the enemies I find in my heart! At times I meet with them in the church. Occasionally I come in contact with them in the world. My enemies are numerous, and they are powerful - but, "O Lord, You know" them all. They can only act under Your eye! You are present in their secret councils. You know their private plots, You watch their craftiest movements.

O what a comfort it is - when I can believe that God is my Father, and realize that He has all my enemies under His eye, and that He holds them all in check!

~James Smith~

(continued with # 2)

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Contentment # 2

Contentment # 2

They do little good, have little fellowship with God, and are very unlike the Lord Jesus Christ. Would you wish to be like them?

Consider why the Holy Spirit is given to you. It is to fortify you against fear, strengthen you in every trouble, and conform you to the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Spirit is given to you to lead you to Christ, to teach you to make use of Christ, and to instruct you how to bring honor and glory to Christ.

The Spirit is given to you to unfold and apply the promises, help your infirmities in prayer, and cry, Abba Father, in your heart.

The Spirit is to do all within you - as the Lord Jesus has done all without you. Then, sow to the Spirit, live in the Spirit, walk in the Spirit - and discontent will flee away; joy, peace, and gratitude, will fill your soul; and your life will be as happy, as it is often uncomfortable now.

Or, consider God's decree, which fixed your lot, and did  so for the wisest and best reasons. His decree is so fixed, that all your struggling, fretting, and complaining, will not alter it.

Consider Christ's example, who chose the poor man's place; and who was poorer than you are, more tried than you are, and who suffered far more than you can. Yet He never complained. No one ever heard a word tinged with discontent proceed from His lips; and He is the copy you are to imitate, the example you are to follow.

Consider the gracious promises. Promises of God's presence, of God's care, and of God's assistance.

Promises made to banish fears, excite your gratitude, and inspire you with holy confidence.

Promises which secure to you, all that is necessary for the present life - and of that which is to come.

Consider the condition of the primitive saints. Where you have one trial - they had fifty. Where they had one outward comfort - you have a hundred. They were many of them homeless, friendless, and oppressed. To them, earth was a wilderness, life only a series of trials; and death, or the coming of Jesus, alone afforded them hope of deliverance. Look at them hidden in dens and caves of the earth, clothed in goat skins, or sheep skins, wandering about from place to place - destitute, afflicted, tormented!

Consider of your deserts. What have you merited? What have you deserved? Can you claim one comfort, one privilege, one exemption from suffering on the ground of desert? Or, if you had only your desert - would you have a rag to cover you, a morsel to feed you, a drop to refresh you, a shed to shelter you, a law to protect you, a friend to speak to you, or one ray of hope to cheer you?

Would you have anything but the frown of God, the wrath of God, the curse of God, and these forever! Oh, what a dreadful state you would be in, if you had only your deserts!

Consider your future prospects:  DELIVERANCE, from every foe and fear, from every pain and privation, from every trouble and trial. POSSESSION, eternal possession of health, wealth, of life and liberty, of God and heaven, of Christ and inconceivable glory!  Oh, how bright, how beautiful, how blessed, the prospects of a believer in Jesus are!

How then can you be discontented if you believe that God fixed your lot by His immutable decree; if you keep your eye fixed on Jesus as your example; if you receive and rest on the great and gracious promises; if you think of your own deserts; if you meditate on God's glorious designs in all that happens to you? How can you be discontented?

Gracious God, we beseech You to give us the grace of contentment. O, grant that we may not only be content but grateful!

Holy Spirit, give us such a view of the hell we have escaped, such a view of the heaven promised us, and such a view of the price Jesus paid for our ransom - that we may sink into the profound depths of humility, and rise to the highest heights of grateful love!!

O Saviour, we bless You, we praise You, and we magnify your glorious name, for all you have procured for us, wrought in us, and set before us! And we rejoice that throughout eternity, we shall be still praising You!

~James Smith~

(The End)

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Contentment # 1

Contentment # 1

"I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." (Philippians 4:11-13).

Man is a poor discontented creature. He is never satisfied for long. Whatever he has - he wants something he has not. And if he had all that he could desire - he would rack his mind to find out something to wish for, and be dissatisfied about. Sin is the source of all dissatisfaction - the parent of all discontent.

But if lost sinners are discontented - believers ought not to be. They are commanded to be content with such things as they have. They are exhorted, having food and clothing, therewith to be content. But, alas! many Christians know but little of real contentment. Now, if I can pen a few lines, which with God's blessing, would produce or increase contentment in my own heart, and the hearts of a few of my fellow believers - I shall do good. Let me then look up to the Lord, and beseech Him to give me grace, to enable me to do so, to the praise and glory of His holy name.

Fellow traveler to Zion, are you contented with the lot your God has cast for you? Or, are you complaining, sighing, and uselessly wishing for a change? If the latter - then stop complaining and listen for a few moments to me.

Consider what God is to you. Is He not your God in Jesus? Is He not your Heavenly Father? Does He not love you w ith an everlasting love? Has He not ordained and arranged all your affairs for you in His infinite wisdom? Has he not also assured you, that all things work together for your good? And under such circumstances - must it not be wicked to complain, repine, or be discontented?

Then, consider what Christ has done for you. Has He not put away your sins, by the sacrifice of Himself? Has He not provided you with a glorious, an everlasting righteousness? Has He not promised to be with you always, even unto the end? Is He not now pleading for you in Heaven, and preparing a place for you in His Father's house? Has He not also given you His Word, that he will come again, and receive you unto Himself, that where He is, there you may be also? Is this the case - and you are discontented? O for shame!

Consider what eternity will be to you. Eternity, a state of endless existence, what will it be to the believer? It will be light - without darkness; joy - without sorrow; health - without sickness; pleasure - without pain; triumphs - without trials; and life - without death.

In eternity you will receive all that you desire, enjoy all that you can wish, be where you will be perfectly happy, and possess all that your God can give.

Set then eternity - against time, the future - against the present, and blush if you feel the least dissatisfaction with your lot.

Consider the providence that watches over you. Providence is God's eye fixed upon you, God's mind devising for you, God's heart sympathizing with you, God's hand supplying you, God's arm placed beneath you.

You are the especial care, of a special and particular providence, which numbers the very hairs of your head, watches every step you take, and will overrule everything for your eternal welfare.

Child of providence, child of the God of providence - be content!

Consider the design which God has, in trying you. It is to prevent your falling into the evils produced by fullness of bread, or uninterrupted prosperity. It is to produce humility, or faith, or some other grace - which will adorn your character, count on your future histgory, and bring honor to His dear name. God's design in every pain or privation, in every trial and trouble, in every loss and cross - is worthy of Himself.

All flows from divine love.

All is directed by infinite wisdom.

All is designed for your good.

Ought you not then to be thankful!

Consider the consequences of prosperity to many. How it feeds their pride, inflates them with vanity, and binds them to the present world.

In the closet, they are lifeless; in the sanctuary uninterested; in Christian society, uncomfortable; and when thinking of death, unhappy.

They have little spirituality, little gratitude to God, and but little comfort in their own souls.

~James Smith~

(continued with # 2)