You can always tell the difference between the two Adams. When the first Adam sins he begins to make an excuse. Man must have an excuse always ready for his sins. When God came down and said, "Adam, where art thou? What have you been doing? Have you been eating of that tree? he hung his head and had to own up that he had; but he said, "Lord, it is the woman that tempted me." He had to charge it back upon God, you see. Instead of putting the blame where it belonged, on his own shoulders, he tried to blame God for his sins. That is what the first Adam was like.
We have it right here every day in our discussions. Men and women trying to charge their sins back on God instead of getting up and confessing them. They say, "Why did God tempt me? What did God do this and that?" That was the spirit of the first Adam. But, thank God, the second Adam made no excuse. He took it upon Himself to bar our sins upon the tree. The first Adam looked upon the tree and plucked its fruit and fell. The second Adam was nailed to the tree. "Cursed is everyone that is nailed to the tree." He became a curse for us.
The two remarkable events that have taken place in the world are these, that when the first Adam went up from Eden he left a curse upon the earth, but when Christ went up from the Mount of Olives He lifted the curse.
When the first Adam was tempted he yielded to the first temptation. When the second Adam was tempted He resisted. satan gave him a trial. God won't have a Son that He cannot test. Christ was tried; He was tempted; He took upon Himself your nature and min and withstood the temptation. The first Adam was tempted by his bride. The second Adam was tempted for His bride, the church, that He might win her for himself.
In 1 Corinthians 15:45 we are told of two federal heads, two Adams. We are all in the first Adam and can be in the second Adam. The first Adam was the chief of all created things; he was intelligent, he gave names to all. The second Adam was the chief of the universe but humbled Himself to become "servant of all." The first Adam was conquered by the world. The second Adam conquered the world. The first Adam charged sin back on Go, the second Adam bore our sins in His own body on the tree. The first Adam brought sin in, the second drove it away. The first Adam fell in a garden, the second rose in a garden. This dark world will bloom under the second Adam. The first Adam disobeyed, the second was obedient.
~D. L. Moody~
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