Saturday, September 8, 2018

All That Man Can Need - And All That God Can Give (and others)

All That Man Can Need - And All That God Can Give (and others)

"God was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in Him" (Colossians 1:19).

"In Him all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden!" (Colossians 2:3).

Do not only study Christianity - but Christ!

Do not only ponder redemption - but the Redeemer!

Do not only contemplate salvation - but the living Saviour!

In this way, the mind will be convinced, and the heart savingly won to Him. In the person, character and work of Christ - is included all that man can need - and all that God can give!

"Indeed, we have all received grace after grace from His fullness!" (John 1:16).

~Cornelius Tyree~

Altogether Lovely!

"Yes, He is altogether lovely! This is my Beloved, and this is my Friend!" (Song of Songs 5:16).

Why does the world reject the wondrous Saviour?
Why do they abhor Him who is altogether lovely,
And hate Him who is the best Friend of sinners?

O men of the world! what good can you desire which is not in Christ? The excellencies of earth are but His footstool; the excellencies of Heaven are but His throne!
How excellent, then, must He Himself be!

His treasures are infinite - and open for you!

In Jesus are -
riches - if you are poor;
honor - if you are despised;
friendship - if you are forsaken;
help - if you are injured;
mercy - if you are miserable;
joy - if you are disconsolate;
protection - if you are in danger;
deliverance - if you are a captive;
life - if you are mortal; and 
all things - if you have nothing at all.

Time and eternity are His - and He can give you all the glorious things of eternity!

Moreover, He can deliver you - 
from all your fears;
from sin - the worst of all evils;
from self - the most hurtful of all companions;
from death - the most dreadful of all changes;
from satan - the most subtle of all enemies;
from hell - the most horrible of all prisons; and
from wrath - the most horrifying doom of all sinners!

Now, where will you find such a one as Jesus?

Why, then, refuse life, and seek after death and damnation?

All Heaven is enamored with His beauty!

The longer we look on "created gaieties", the leaner and less lovely they grow; so that, by the time we have viewed them forty, fifty, or sixty years - we see nothing but vanity in the creature! But when ten thousand ages are employed in beholding the perfection and beauty of Jesus - He still appears more and more lovely - even altogether lovely!

Alas! I can say nothing of His true excellencies! They overwhelm my laboring thought, and are too vast for my feeble conception to bring forth!

~James Meikle~

This Baffles All Our Comprehension

"So the Word became human and lived here on earth among us" (John 1:14).

What a Transition!

What a Stoop for that Infinite Being who proclaimed Himself the Alpha and the Omega; for "The Ancient of days" to assume the nature and take the form of a cradled infant, sleeping on a virgin mother's breast!

We have no plumb line to sound the depths of that humiliation. We have no arithmetic by which it can be submitted to any process of calculation.

If we can entertain for a moment the shocking supposition of the loftiest created spirit in heaven abjuring his angel nature, and becoming an insect or a worm; we can, in some feeble degree, estimate the descent involved in the transformation.

But, for the Illimitable, Everlasting Jehovah, Himself to become incarnate - the Creator, to take the nature of the created; the Infinite, to be joined with the finite; Deity, to be linked with dust; this baffles all our comprehension!

We can only lie in adoring reverence, and exclaim with the apostle, "O the depth!"

"Wonder, O heavens, and be astonished, O earth!"

~John MacDuff~

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