Sunday, June 8, 2014

Men Whose Eyes Have Seen the King # 46

The Glory of the Lord (continued)

Strategic Revelations of the Glory (continued)

Here he writes then, that this One, this Man, is in the glory on the Throne above, far above all rule and authority. Caesar may be there next door, governing the whole world, bringing it under his mighty and evil heel, and seeming to be able to carry out all his evil designs against the Church of Jesus Christ. Paul, right alongside of Caesar and Caesar's city and  stronghold, says: "He hath set Him far above all rule and authority, and every name - Caesar or any other - in this age, or in any other age ... hath put all things in subjection under His feet ..." That is a saving vision of the glory.

It was that that saved John in his difficult and desperate situation in Patmos, for it was indeed something to break a man's heart and send him deep down in dark despair. John was the one lonely survivor of the whole apostolic band. They have all gone, he is cut off from his beloved church; alone; isolated; exiled; with all the conditions which must have accompanied that exile. That is enough to make a man despair, to feel that he has lived his life in vain, and that there really is no hope at all. But he had an opened Heaven, and saw a vision - and what visions he saw! It was the opened Heaven that saved him. The Lord give us that, and a new apprehension of the Throne and of the Man upon it!

~T. Austin-Sparks~

(continued with # 47 - "The Throne - The Living Ones and the Wheels")

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