Saturday, July 27, 2019

Present Day Evangelism # 5 (and others)

Present Day Evangelism # 5 (and others)

It is in His office of Lord, that Christ maintains God's honor, subserves His government, enforces His Law. If the reader will turn to those passages (Luke 1:46-47; Acts 5:31; 2 Peter 1:11; 2:20; 3:1) where the two titles occur, he will find that the order is always "Lord and Saviour," and NOT "Saviour and Lord." Therefore, those who have not bowed to Christ's scepter and enthroned Him in their hearts and lives, and yet imagine they are trusting in Him as their Saviour - are deceived! Unless God disillusions them - they will go down to the everlasting burnings with a lie in their right hand! (Isaiah 44:20). Christ is "the Author of eternal salvation, unto all those who obey Him" (Heb. 5:9). But the attitude of those who submit not to His Lordship is, "We will not have this Man to rule over us!" (Luke 19:14). Pause then, my reader and honestly face the question: Am I subject to His will? Am I sincerely endeavoring to keep His commandments?

Alas, alas, God's way of salvation is almost entirely unknown today, the nature of Christ's salvation is almost universally misunderstood, and the terms of His salvation misrepresented on every hand. The "Gospel" which is now being proclaimed is, in nine cases out of every ten - but a perversion of the Truth! Tens of thousands, assured they are bound for heaven - are now hastening to hell as fast as time can take them! 

Things are far, far worse in Christendom than even the "pessimist" and the "alarmist" suppose. We are not a prophet, nor shall we indulge in any speculation of what the Biblical prophecy forecasts. Wiser men than the writer have often made fools of themselves by so doing. We are frank to say that we know not what God is about to do. Religious conditions were much worse, even in England, one hundred and fifty years ago. But this we greatly fear: Unless God is pleased to grant a real revival, it will not be long before "the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people" (Isaiah 60:2), for the light of the true Gospel is rapidly disappearing. Modern "evangelism" constitutes, in our judgment, the most solemn of all the "signs of the times."

What must the people of God do, in view of the existing situation? Ephesians 5:11 supplies the divine answer: "Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness - but rather reprove them;" and everything opposed to the light of the Word is "darkness." It is the bounden duty of every Christian, to have no dealings with the "evangelistic" monstrosity of the day, to withhold all moral and financial support of the same, to attend none of their meetings, to circulate none of their tracts. Those preachers who tell sinners that they may be saved without forsaking their idols, without repenting, without surrendering to the Lordship of Christ - are as erroneous and dangerous as others who insist that salvation is by works, and that heaven must be earned by our own efforts!

~A. W. Pink~

(The End) 

A Good Tree

Trees are beautiful objects. If we had never seen this part of the creation before, we would be filled with admiration at the sight. A stately oak or cedar is really a majestic object. It stands firmly by its own strength. It raises its head towards the heavens, and spreads out its arms on every side; and when verdant, affords a canopy and grateful shade to the weary traveler, and a secure habitation for the birds of the air. Trees are the handsomest ornaments of gardens and pleasure-grounds. Eden itself, without trees, would have been shorn of its glory.

But a tree laden with nutritious fruit is an object still more beautiful and interesting than the trees of the forest. What spectacle is suited to give more pleasure to the contemplative mind than a tree bending under the weight of precious fruit?

Between natural and spiritual objects there is a striking analogy. Of this the sacred writers often avail themselves, to give a lively representation of important truths. The discourses of our Lord are enriched and adorned by the employment of striking emblems. His figures are almost all derived from natural objects.

Among fruit-trees, the VINE is often mentioned in the Scriptures, because everywhere to be seen; and when loaded with fine clusters like those of Eshcol, the sight is most pleasing. To represent the vital union of believers to Himself, our Lord employs the union of the branches to the vine. He is the vine, they are the branches; and the effect of this union is fruitfulness. As a branch severed from the vine cannot bear fruit, neither can believers without Christ. And the cogent motive to induce them to bear much fruit is, that their Father in heaven may be glorified.

"Make the tree good, and his fruit good." "By their fruits shall you know them." No man, by merely looking at a tree, can tell whether it will bear fruit, or whether the fruit will be good or bad. When we see people making a good profession in the church, we cannot tell whether their religion is genuine or spurious, until we have an opportunity of seeing the fruits. When John the Baptist called men to repentance, he required them "to bring forth fruits fit for repentance." A godly life is the best evidence of sincerity in religion. How beautiful is a consistent Christian character. Such a one "does justice, loves mercy, and walks humbly with his God." To his prayers he joins alms, and he abounds in every good work. As he makes his way through this sinful world, his bright example sheds a light to glorify his Father in heaven. He makes no ostentatious display of his religion; and yet his good deeds cannot be hidden - they are like the fragrant aroma, which betrays itself. He is not ashamed of Christ and His gospel, but glories in the Cross, and esteems all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ.

As the true Christian advances in years, his fruits become more mellow and mature; and he goes on to bring forth fruit, even in old age. And finally, like a fruit fully ripe, he drops into the grave; but his works follow him, and he is blessed in death, as the voice from heaven declared, "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord."

~Archibald Alexander~

(The End)

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