Thursday, February 23, 2012

Bible Study

As Christians, we are to study our Bible in order to understand our faith, to learn of God and His standards and purposes, and to learn more of our precious Savior, Jesus Christ.

Not all of us have a study Bible and, even though we are to always ask the Holy Spirit to teach us the meaning of His inspired Words in the Bible, I wonder if having a Bible study here, would help us grow more quickly into what God wants of us - and that is, to be holy, as He is holy. Bible study also helps us understand God and what He desires of us, it teaches us about God, His characteristics, His plans and purposes, and His standards.

This is what I have in mind: Take your Bible, read the passage, pray, and then, read the comments below to help you in your understanding. Sometimes, a compilation of resources (Study Bibles and Commentaries) help us to quickly understand what the Holy Spirit is telling us, and gives us a fuller picture of what was happening at the time.
Matthew 1:1

Presenting this genealogy was one of the most interesting ways that Matthew could begin a book for a Jewish audience. Because a person's family line proved his or her standing as one of God's chosen people, Matthew began by showing that Jesus was a descendant of Abraham, the father of all Jews, and a direct descendant of David, fulfilling Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah's line. The facts of this ancestry were carefully preserved. This is the first of many profs recorded by Matthew to show that Jesus is the true Messiah.

Matthew 1:1

More than 400 years had passed since the last Old Testament prophecies, and faithful Jews all over the world were still waiting for the Messiah (Luke 3:15). Matthew wrote this book to Jews to present Jesus as King and Messiah, the promised descendant of David who would reign forever (Isaiah 11:1-5). The Gospel of Matthew links the Old and New Testaments and contains many references that show how Jesus fulfilled Old Testament prophecy.

Tell me, would you enjoy a Bible Study here?? Would it help you in your understanding?? If so, we would go through the entire Bible, verse by verse. We will begin with the New Testament and travel through God's Word in the Old Testament as well. Would something like this help you to read your Bible on a daily basis??

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