Friday, February 24, 2012

The Book of Zephaniah

Zephaniah prophesied and wrote to warn the nation of Judah and the city of Jerusalem about God's approaching judgment. He called this judgment period "the great day of the Lord." This great day is mentioned throughout Scripture and has both short-term and long-term applications as it relates to God's judgment on His people and all nations.

When the phrase "the day of the Lord" appears in the Bible, it usually is not referring to a single day or event but to a period of time.

For the most part, the book is a serious warning about the approaching day of God's judgment on all evil and rebellion against Him. Zephaniah saw a future worldwide judgment coming because of the sins of all humanity. But he especially focused on the judgment coming on Judah for her offenses against God. Zephaniah urged the people to humble themselves and repent - to change their attitude toward God, admit their sin, turn from their own way and begin following God's plans - before His prophecy of doom came upon them. This notional repentance happened in part during King Josiah's reforms and the revival that followed.

Zephaniah also prophesied about the coming judgment on the foreign nations: Philistia, Ammon, Moak, Cush and Assyria. After addressing the sins of Jerusalem once again, the prophet predicted a time when God would rescue, regather and restore His people. Then they would rejoice as true worshipers of the almighty God, and God would literally be among them as a victorious warrior.

Five major features characterize the book of Zephaniah. 1. Zephaniah is the only prophet to give an extended list of his ancestry. 2. It has the most detailed revelation in the Old Testament about the future "day of the Lord." 3. It is an example showing that God's people need to be confronted by His warnings of judgment as well as comforted by His promises of salvation. 4. It contains a well-developed teaching about the faithful remnant; this remnant would be restored when the Lord came to bring final judgment. Zephaniah's revelation about the coming day of God's judgment for the wicked and the great day of salvation for His people is a major contribution to the New Testament about the end times.

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