Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Bible Study - verse by verse - 28

Matthew 9:27-30 Jesus didn't respond immediately to the blind men's pleas. He waited to see if they had faith. Not everyone who says he wants help really believes God can help him. Jesus may have waited and questioned these men to emphasize and increase their faith. When you think God is too slow in answering your prayers, consider that He might be testing you as He did the blind men. Do you believe that God can help you? Do you really want His help?

Matthew 9:28 These blind men were persistent. They went right into the house where Jesus was staying. They knew Jesus could heal them, and they would let nothing stop them from finding Him. That's real faith in action. If you believe Jesus is the answer to your every need, don't let anything or anyone stop you from reaching Him.

Matthew 9:30 Jesus told the people to keep quiet about His healing because He did not want to be known only as a miracle worker. He healed because He had compassion on people, but He also wanted to bring spiritual healing to a sin-sick world.

Matthew 9:34 In chapter 9, the Pharisees accuse Jesus of four different sins: blasphemy, befriending outcasts, impiety, and serving satan. Matthew shows how Jesus was maligned by those who should have received Him most gladly. Why did the Pharisees do this? Jesus bypassed their religious authority; He weakened their control over the people; He challenged their cherished beliefs; and He exposed their insincere motives.

Matthew 9:34 While the Pharisees questioned, debated, and dissected Jesus, people were being healed and lives changed right in front of them. Their skepticism was based not on insufficient evidence but on jealousy of Jesus' popularity.

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