Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Book of Samuel

The prophet Samuel was highly respected as a strong spiritual leader of Israel. He was the one God used to guide Israel in establishing their kingship under God's authority. 1 Samuel covers nearly one century of Israel's history - from Samuel's birth to Saul's death. The book forms the main historical connection between the time of the judges and the first of Israel's kings. 1 Samuel covers three major transitions in national leadership: from Eli to Samuel, from Samuel to Saul and from Saul to David.

First Samuel describes the defining turning point in Israel's history from rule by the judges to rule by a king. The book shows the tension between the people's desire for a king and God's pattern of a theocracy, in which He was already their rightful King.

The content of 1 Samuel focuses on three key national leaders: Samuel, Saul and David. Samuel was the last of the judges and he had a recognized position of authority as a prophet. As a godly man with strong prophetic gifts, Samuel wisely directed Israel in a revival of genuine worship, laid the foundation that gave true prophets their rightful place in Israel, and clearly established Israel's system of government as a kingship based on God's authority and regulations. Samuel's influence as spiritual leader during a period of major change in Israel's history is second only to that of Moses during the time of Israel's exodus.

Six major features characterize 1 Samuel. 1. It clearly reveals God's holy standards for Israel's kings. These leaders were to obey God's laws and submit to Him as the true King of Israel. They were also to accept guidance and correction, when necessary, from God's prophets. 2. It gives explanation for how the role of a prophet in Israel became established and recognized as spiritually equal to the priesthood. 3. It stresses  the importance and power of prayer, God's Word and true spiritual prophecy. 4. It provides special insights into the lives of three key leaders of Israel - Samuel, Saul and David. 5. The book is full of well-known Bible stories, such as God speaking to Samuel, David and Goliath, David and Jonathan, Saul's jealousy and fear of David and Saul and the witch of Endor. Also, it is the first Old Testament book to use the phrase "the Lord Almighty."

First Samuel records two prophetic types of Jesus' ministry as prophet, priest and king. Samuel - who was God's main prophetic and priestly representative to Israel in the Old Testament - was a sign of, or foreshadowed, Jesus' ministry as God's ultimate prophetic and priestly representative of the New Testament. David's life also laid a prophetic foundation for the future ministry of Jesus Christ. David, who was born in Bethlehem, served as a shepherd and became God's anointed king. He served God's purposes for his own generation. In this way, he symbolized the roles Christ world fulfill as Israel's ultimate King and Messiah. The New Testament speaks of Jesus Christ, the eternal King of kings", as "the son of David", a descendant of David," and "the Root of the offspring of David."

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