The more you interact on Facebook, the more you evangelize and preach the gospel, the more you come to the conclusion that there are really very few true Christians on Facebook. You may have about 11 million people liking 'Jesus Daily', but only a very small fraction of them are Christians. Who is a Christian? A Christian is one who has Christ living in him or her through the Holy Spirit. One of the best definitions you have is in Romans 8:9b: "If any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his."
There are so many who seem to think that they are believers, that they are born-again Christians. You can't be a born again Christian by accepting a mere formula, nor can you become a born again Christian by uttering a prayer (though praying is certainly helpful). You can't be a born again Christian by believing in evangelical doctrines. It is possible for you to believe in all the right doctrines, and yet not have Christ. Isn't that a very sad state of affairs? Yet so many are deceived.
I find an astonishingly large percentage of Christians having a very shallow, sickly, sentimental idea of Christ. Their conceptions of Christ range from a baby Jesus in a sanitized manager surrounded by three sweetly-smiling sheep - to the gory, bleeding Jesus in 'The Passion of Christ' wearing a ghastly crown of thorns. In between, you have the popular pictures of Christ with the sacred heart, or Christ with a lamb, or Christ with children. Well, none of these pictures are true to God or to the Lord Jesus Christ. But people will never listen. They would prefer the illusions of unsanctified imagination to the solid truth of the Word of God.
But the real problem is that most people have not really known Christ. They have not really tasted the love of God in Jesus Christ our Lord. They have not experienced the rolling away of the burden of guilt and defilement, and the wonderful cleaning of the precious Blood. They have not really had the assurance of the forgiveness of sins. They have not had an encounter with the Risen Christ. And sad to say, so few have a real hunger for God.
To many, faith is a matter of doctrine. They are brainwashed into believing that if they accept the Reformed Doctrine, or if they adhere to TULIP, that the door is opened to the kingdom of God. Not at all! Rather, these people are the most brainwashed of all. They fail to realize that 'the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life'.
On the other hand, the excesses of the charismatics really makes one wonder whether these people have any conception of thrice-holy God. So many are deceived by dreams and visions, and caught up with absurdities like 'speaking in tongues' or being 'slain in the spirit'. And there is a huge horde of charismatic believers who seek prosperity and the gratification of their lusts.
Even among my so-called 'friends', I find many who are really not born again. They are ignorant of a truly born-again experience; they are ignorant of the Word of God; they are utterly lacking in spiritual discernment. Some of those who are excited about my 'Day to Day' Page are themselves unwilling to come to the Cross and confess their sins and fetishes, and be washed clean by the Blood of Jesus. They will not confront the truth about themselves! If you correct them, then they are offended and will 'cut you off'.
There are some (very few) who truly love God. They are not here to play games. They mean business with God. They truly seek the Lord with all their heart. And there are others who know that they are not 'saved'; they are still seeking Christ. It is hoped that the 'Day to Day' page will draw them to our loving Saviour and Lord - and that they will taste the overwhelming and abounding grace of God.
JK Written by Jonathan Kirby - Day By Day with Christ (Facebook page)
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