Sunday, March 11, 2012

Christian Quotes - 12


The desert is the place where human powers must be renounced. In the desert there can be no more trickery, no illusions as to getting out by one's own means, no possibility of placing hope in natural sources of help. (Jacques Ellul)

The desert is a place of revelation and revolution. In the desert we wait, we weep, we learn to live. (Alan Jones)

This, then is our desert; to live facing despair, but not to consent. To trample it down under hope in the Cross. To wage war against despair unceasingly. That war is our wilderness. If we wage it courageously, we will find Christ at our side. If we cannot face it, we will never find Him. (Thomas Merton)

The desert is the place where God's people learn hard lessons of life and faith. It is a place to learn the real priorities and there are no margins for error. In the desert there is no room for luxuries and no respect of human status or strength. To contemplate the desert, then, is to understand the call to walk by faith in God alone. It is a place that simplifies us, down to our true selves, until we are ready to meet the God of life and death. (David Runcorn)

The desert bears the sign of man's complete helplessness as he can do nothing to subsist alone and by himself, and thus discovers his weakness and the necessity of seeking help and strength in God. (Rene Voillaume)

The desert has bred fanaticism and frenzy and fear; but it has also bred heroic gentleness. (Helen Waddell)


To desire to love God is to love to desire Him, and hence to love Him, for love is the root of all desire. (Jean Camus)

For those who love God, nothing is hard; and no task is difficult if your desire is great. (St. Jerome)

Let temporal things serve thy use, but the eternal be the object of thy desire. (Thomas Kempis)

Thirst must be quenched! If our desires are not met by God, we will quickly find something else to alleviate our thirst. (Erwin Lutzer)

Man finds it hard to get what he wants because he does not want the best; God finds it hard to give because He would give the best and man will not take it. (George MacDonald)

The desire of love = joy
The desire of life = peace
The desire of the soul = heaven
The desire of God = a flame white hot secret for ever.
(William Sharp)

None of us ever desired anything more ardently than God desires to bring men and women to a knowledge of Himself. (Johann Tauler)

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