Jesus invited us, not to a picnic, but to a pilgrimage; not to a frolic, but to a fight. He offered us, not an excursion, but an execution. Our Savior said that we would have to be ready to die to self, sin, and the world. (Billy Graham)
Salvation is free, but discipleship costs everything we have. (Billy Graham)
What our Lord said about cross-bearing and obedience is not in fine type. It is in bold print on the face of the contract. (Vance Havner)
To follow the Savior is to participate in salvation; to follow the light is to perceive the light. (St. Irenaeus)
Discipleship is more than getting to know what the teacher knows. it is getting to be what He is. (Juan Ortiz)
The making of a disciple means the creating of a duplicate. (Juan Ortiz)
What other people think of me is becoming less and less important; what they think of Jesus because of me is critical. (Sir Cliff Richard)
If we were willing to learn the meaning of real discipleship and actually to become disciples, the Church in the West would be transformed, and the resultant impact on society would be staggering. (David Watson)
When no mark of the cross appears in our discipleship, we may doubt the ownership. We should be branded for Christ. (Mary Wood)
Christ cannot live His life today in this world without our mouth, without our eyes, without our going and coming, without our hearts. When we love, it is Christ loving through us. (Leon Juenens)
The disciple is one who, intent upon becoming Christ-like and so dwelling in His faith and practice, systematically and progressively rearranges his affairs to that end. (Dallas Willard)
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