"Lord, I pray for understanding as I study Your Word today. Please let Your truth penetrate my heart and change my life."
"... One like the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band. His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like a flame of fire." (Revelation 1:13-14)
The language John used to describe his vision of the risen Christ is highly symbolic, deeply spiritual, and especially meaningful. If we examine each descriptive element, we can see the same glimpse of glory John was given as our Lord pulled back the veil for him to peer ahead into the future.
First, Jesus is pictured wearing the robes of a king. He is dressed in royal splendor! This shows that He's no longer the meek and mild peasant of Galilee. He is the Sovereign of the universe. He is King of kings and Lord of lords! We see Him now as the reigning Christ with unrivaled majesty.
He is also the righteous Christ with unblemished purity. White wool signifies the righteousness of Almighty God, and snow represents purity. Remember what Isaiah 1:18 says, "... Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool." It's important for us to see His purity and realize that the Lord Jesus Who took our sins has them no more. Those sins are stoned for. Jesus is no longer the suffering Servant with the sin of the world upon Him. He is now our risen Lord, absolutely unsullied in holiness!
We cannot touch His pure holiness, nor can we hide our impurity from Him, for He is the revealing Christ with unhindered scrutiny. "His eyes like a flame of fire" means that He has penetrating eyesight - x-ray vision that sees right through you! When Jesus looks at you this moment, He knows exactly what you're thinking. He sees everything in your heart and mind. There is nothing that can be hidden from the risen Christ!
~Adrian Rogers~
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