Monday, March 12, 2012

Testifying of Christ

John 1:29-37

We see, for one thing, in these verses, what good is done by continually testifying of Christ. This simple story is a pattern of the way in which good has been done to souls in every age of the Christian church. By such testimony as that before us, and by none else, men and women are converted and saved. It is by exalting Christ, not the church. Christ, not the sacraments, Christ, not the ministry - it is by this means that hearts are moved and sinners are turned to God. To the world such testimony may seem weakness and foolishness. Yet, like the ram's horns before whose blast the walls of Jericho fell down, this testimony is mighty to the pulling down of strongholds. The story of the crucified Lamb of God has proved in every age the power of God unto salvation. Those who have done most for Christ's cause in every part of the world have been men like John the Baptist. They NOT have cried, "Behold me!" or "Behold the church!" or "Behold the ordinances!" but "Behold the Lamb!" If souls are to be saved, men must be pointed directly to Christ.

One thing, however, must never be forgotten. There must be patient continuance in preaching and teaching the truth, if we want good to be done. Christ must be set forth again and again as the "Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world." The story of grace must be told repeatedly, line upon line and precept upon precept. It is the constant dropping which wears away the stone. The promise shall never be broken that "God's word shall not return unto Him void" (Isaiah 55:11). But it is nowhere said that it shall do good the very first time it is preached. It was not the first proclamation of John the Baptist, but the second, which made Andrew and his companion follow Jesus.

For meditation:

Persistence in the work of evangelism, and in all service to God, has a promise of ultimate blessing connected to it. (Galatians 6:9)

~William Barclay~

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