Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Abide In Him

Bless this time, Lord, and open my heart to Your truth. Amen.

"And now, little children, abide in Him, that when He appears, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him at His coming" (1 John 2:28)

The word "abide" means "to be at home." If you abide somewhere, that's where you reside, where you live; it's where you make yourself at home. And there are some places where we need to make ourselves at home as we're waiting Christ's return.

First, we should be at home in the Word of God. That doesn't mean we're to be so at ease with His Word that we take it for granted. We should appreciate the Word of God, revere it, take it in and draw strength and nourishment from it each day. We should ask God to give us a hunger for His Word and help us find ways to get the Word of God into the hearts and minds of our children. It isn't enough just to give them correction, good advice, or even a good example. We need to make sure they also know how to abide in the Word of God in these dangerous days.

We should make ourselves at home with the Spirit of God. His Spirit abides in us, but we also need to abide in the Holy Spirit because He is the One Who teaches us to understand the Bible He is our built-in guidance system. Through Him we can comprehend what God is showing us in His Word. So we can obey the commands, apply the promises, enjoy the blessings and see God's truth being borne out in our lives.

When you do these things, you'll find that you're abiding with the very Son of God. Taking in the Word of God and relying on the Spirit of God will make Jesus real in your heart. Then you'll have confidence that you won't be ashamed when He comes again.

Make yourself at home with the Lord Jesus Christ so that when He appears, you'll not be meeting Someone you've only heard about, but you'll be meeting Someone you know heart to heart!

~Adrian Rogers~

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