If the value of an article is dependent upon the price paid for it, Christ's death made our value skyrocket. Let no one say we are worthless. God is not a foolish speculator; He would never invest in worthless property! (Erwin Lutzer)
There is nothing small in the service of God. (Francis de Sales)
Our greatest claim to nobility is our created capacity to know God, to be in personal relationship with Him, to love Him and to worship Him. Indeed, we are most truly human when we are on our knees before our Creator. (John Stott)
No race can prosper until it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem. (Booker T. Washington)
Whosoever believeth in Him should not perish. With these words my sense of inferiority, my fear of handicaps, dropped away. It meant that I, a humble girl, had just as much chance as anybody in the sight and love of God. (Mary Bethune)
To be blind is bad, but worse is it to have eyes and not to see. (Helen Keller)
I thank God for my handicaps; for, through them, I have found myself, my work, and my God. (Helen Keller) (Helen Keller, if you do not know, went blind as a young girl. She accomplished much for the service of God!)
Here I sit in the middle of eternity. This wheelchair has helped me sit still. I've observed with curiosity the way we Christians grasp for the future, as if the present didn't quite satisfy. How we, in spiritual fits and starts, scrape and scratch our way along, often missing the best of life while looking the other way, preoccupied with shaping our future. In my least consistent moments I too try to wrest the future out of God's hands. Or worse, I sink back into the past and rest on long-ago laurels. But God is most concerned with the choices I make now. God, standing silently and invisibly and presently with us in the middle of eternity, is interested in a certain kind of change. He brings us choices through which we never-endingly change, fresh and new, into His likeness. (Joni Eareckson Tada)
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