Matthew 27:2 Pontius Pilate was the Roman governor for the regions of Samaria and Judea from AD 26-36. Jerusalem was located in Judea. Pilate took special pleasure in demonstrating his authority over the Jews. Pilate was not popular, but the religious leaders had no other way to get rid of Jesus than to go to him. Ironically, when Jesus, a Jew, came before him for trial, Pilate found Him innocent. He could find no single fault in Jesus, nor could he contrive one.
Matthew 27:3, 4 Jesus' formal accuser wanted to drop his charges, but the religious leaders refused to halt the trial. When he betrayed Jesus, perhaps Judas was trying to force Jesus' hand to get Him to lead a revolt against Rome. This did not work, of course. Whatever his reason, Judas changed his mind, but it was too late. Many of the plans we set in motion cannot be reversed. It is best to think of the potential consequences before we launch into an action we may later regret.
Matthew 27:4 The priest's job was to teach people about God and act as intercessors for them, helping administer the sacrifices to cover their sins. Judas returned to the priests, exclaiming that he had sinned. Rather than helping him find forgiveness, however, they priests said, "You see to it!" Not only had they rejected the Messiah, they had rejected their role as priests.
Matthew 27:5 According to Matthew, Judas hanged himself. Acts 1:18, however, says that he fell and burst open. The best explanation is that the limb from which he was hanging broke, and the resulting fall split open his body.
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