Reveal Your message, Lord, as I meditate on Your Word. Amen
"Then he said to me, "Write: 'Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!'" And he said to me, "These are the true sayings of God."
After the wedding there will be a reception where glad guests will gather to celebrate with the Bride and Groom. The Bible calls this the marriage supper of the Lamb, and the happy guests are the redeemed of all the ages who were saved before or after the church age. These are not part of the Bride in the true sense of the word, but they will not feel left out or slighted at all! They will be there celebrating and rejoicing that the Lord has received His Bride, the true church.
Can you imagine what we're going to eat and drink at that wedding reception? Just think about the wedding feast of Cana where Jesus turned water into wine and the master of the feast was amazed at the quality of the wine that had been saved for last (John 2:9-10). Well, just wait until the marriage supper of the Lamb - when Jesus is both the Bridegroom and the Host, and He's not only in charge of the wine but of the whole menu! How marvelous it will be to gather at the table, He has set and feast upon the heavenly morsels He has prepared.
Now, some people may not believe all of this is really going to happen quite this way. And it may be that God is using figurative speech and speaking in illustrations here in these passages. But what God is illustrating is going to happen, because the Scripture affirms that these are the true words of God. We could be sitting down at the wedding feast of the Lamb this very evening! We could be hearing for ourselves the magnificent wedding music, seeing our dramatic transformation into His beautiful Bride, and joining the glad guests at God's bounteous banquet to celebrate and give glory to the Groom!
~Adrian Rogers~
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