Monday, April 16, 2012

A Deeper Knowledge of God - Revival

"... that I may know Thee." (Exodus 33:13)

Moses was not content with a mere knowledge of the fact that he was accepted by God and that he was in God's care. He knew that, but he was not content with it; he wanted more. "That I may know Thee," said Moses. He wanted a personal knowledge of God. He wanted a dirct knowledge of God.

And here is something that you will find in the lives of all the great saints of God in the Church throughout the ages. The first thing that happens to them is that they themselves feel this desire for a deeper knowledge of God. They begin to feel a hunger and thirst for something bigger and something deeper. They are no longer content with what I may call the ordinary condition of the Church. They want something extraordinary, something unusual.

Let me give you some lines from a hymn that seem to me to put it very well indeed:

Speak, I pray Thee, gentle Jesus;
Oh, how passing sweet, Thy words,
Breathing o'er my troubled spirit,
Peace, which never earth affords.

And then it goes on to say:

Tell me Thou art mine, O Savior;
Grant me an assurance clear ...
(hymn by: William Williams)

That is the thing. He knows that the Savior loves him. But you see what he wants: "Tell me Thou art mine, O Savior."

Only the man who knows the Savior's love asks Him for that. Here is a man asking for something special, something unusual, something additional.

A Thought to Ponder:  They feel a desire for a deeper knowledge of God.

~Martyn Lloyd-Jones~

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