Monday, April 2, 2012

Bible Study - #32

Matthew 10:37 Christ calls us to a higher mission than to find comfort and tranquility in this life. Love of family is a command of God, but even this love can be self-serving and used as an excuse not to serve God or do His work.

Matthew 10:38 To take our cross and follow Jesus means to be willing to publicly identify with Him, to experience almost certain opposition, and to be committed to face even suffering and death for His sake.

Matthew 10:39 This verse is a positive and negative statement of the same truth: clinging to this life may cause us to forfeit the best from Christ in this world and in the next. The more we love this life's rewards, the more we will discover how empty they really are. The best way to enjoy life, therefore, is to loosen our greedy grasp on earthly rewards so that we can be free to follow Christ. In doing so, we will inherit eternal life and begin at once to experience the benefits of following Christ.

Matthew 10:42 How much we love God can be measured by how well we treat others. Jesus' example of giving a cup of cold water to a thirsty child is a good model of unselfish service. A child usually can't or won't return a favor. God notices every good deed we do or don't do as if He were the one receiving it. Is there something unselfish you can do for someone else today? Although no one else may see you. God will notice.

Matthew 11:2, 3 John had been put in prison by Herod. Herod had married his own sister-in-law, and John publicly rebuked Herod's flagrant sin.

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